Please review the following general conditions, notes and information before you place your order:
Before re-impregnating a waxed garment, any dirt and dust need to be removed.
We are frequently asked about cleaning and washing service. Unfortunately, this is not possible because waxed materials must not be cleaned or washed (in the usual sense). “Cleaning from the outside” is one of our services, if you’d prefer not to have to do it yourself.
Before impregnating, repairing or refurbishing your garment, please make sure you clean it thoroughly before you send it to us. Please follow the care instructions in your garment and treat it only in accordance with these care instructions. The manufacturer has carefully formulated the instructions to match your garment (see care label, washing recommendations, booklet, care instruction sheets, etc.).
The good news:
In most cases, a thorough cleaning with a soft sponge and cold water is enough to remove dirt from your wax Jackett or wax coat. Start by brushing your garment to remove dry dirt and dust. Then place it on a hanger and let it dry well. Whatever you do, please make sure you follow the care instructions as mentioned above.
Never use soap or hot water and never dry a waxed garment on a radiator or other heater.
The bad news:
If you have been hunting, blood from the animals you have caught, or soggy dog treats can sometimes make our job more difficult. The same is true if your Jackett or coat is mouldy or has a very strong odour. Please understand if we have to refuse processing in extreme cases.
Even after complete reimpregnation, we cannot guarantee that your garment will be 100% water-impermeable. Our manually applied impregnations and wax impregnations will restore your garment, preserve its value and functionality, and renew the water-repellent properties of the materials used. If your waxed garment is already in a very dry condition, we cannot guarantee that newly applied wax will not penetrate into an inner lining, for example, and potentially cause stains. Double waxing may also be necessary to achieve an optimal result.
Wax Jacketts sometimes get put in the washing machine by mistake. We are happy to help any heartbroken wearers as much as we possibly can, but without any guarantee. After a spin in the washing machine, it is highly likely that both your garment’s appearance and water-repellent properties will never quite be the same again.
Any new impregnation can have an impact on the appearance of your garment. You’ll probably notice that the colour of your garment is darker than before. This is because waxed cotton is most likely to dry out where it is most stressed (e.g. sleeve wrinkles, pockets, shoulder areas), which can lead to different intensities of colour.
The new wax we apply will smooth out the pile that builds up on surface of your garment as a result of wear, which also means that the surface will initially appear darker and may have a different patina. Depending on your garment’s previous condition, it may take some time and a period of wear until the wax is well absorbed.
Some wearers don’t even recognize their Jacketts when they see them for the first time in all their restored glory.
Special notes on colour and empirical values:
Light coloured Jacketts, for example “sandstone” Jacketts, shows more visible traces of wear than dark brown, dark green, and dark blue Jacketts. Pre-existing traces of wear may appear more strongly after reimpregnation. Please bear in mind that the colours of your Jackett will be significantly more vivid after re-waxing, especially if your Jackett is a lighter colour that is more sensitive to dirt.
All impregnations are therefore only carried out at customer risk!
We would therefore like to point out once again that wax can penetrate into the inner lining, sleeve cuffs, pockets or collar during the reimpregnation by hand.
TIP: Have your wax garments re-waxed regularly.
If you regularly take care of your waxed cotton clothing, you will not only ensure that your garment retains its weatherproof properties, you’ll also help it last longer by keeping it the best possible condition, ready for re-impregnating. You’ll also reduce the chances of reimpregnation causing stains on the inner lining and make sure your garment always looks as good as you know it can.
We apply new fabric strips to patch cracks, holes, frayed sleeve hems and other edges. An invisible repair is not possible. You should therefore expect slight colour variations between the newly applied materials and the rest of your garment’s materials. As a result, we cannot provide any guarantee for your garment’s uniform outward appearance.
We can also replace zippers, press studs and inner linings. Please understand that we are unable to supply you directly with such materials (no direct sale of authentic Barbour materials). The original Barbour materials we use require special tools and processing. They are also fairly difficult to source.
If you’d like, we can also extend your Jackett’s sleeves. In most cases, we can lengthen sleeves by up to 10 cm. Such alterations may change the overall fit of your garment. Please feel free to contact us to find out more. We may have to add a surcharge for this extra service.
At all times, you can rest assured that your favourite garments are in the best, most loving hands. Whichever services you request, our most experienced tailors and garment technicians will give your waxed cotton Jackett the ultimate in TLC.
You probably already suspected it:
Nevertheless, we do not accept any responsibility for damage caused by factors which we could not determine during our professional inspection of the goods and which is caused by the condition and quality of the material and processing of the garment. Such damage can include: Damage due to insufficient strength of fabrics and seams, insufficient fastness of prints and dyes, contraction/shrinkage, previous improper treatments and impregnations. Furthermore, any other hidden defects caused by foreign bodies or substances in the garment or fabric.
We are generally not liable for items left in garment pockets, lining or other recesses. Of course, we are always happy to return keys, cameras with beautiful holiday memories and many other things to their owners.
If you are not satisfied with our services, and in case of any defects in our reworking or sewing work, please send details of your complaint and supporting proof to Witra Logistics GmbH & Co. KG, Essen, Germany.
Should we lose your garment or your garment be unusable for any other legal grounds for which we are liable, our liability shall only extend to the current market value of the item you have sent us for processing. We shall only be liable for processing damage in the event of wilful intent or gross negligence up to the amount of the current value of the garment. In all other cases, our further liability shall be limited to 5 times the treatment cost. In order to determine the current market value, the cash receipt for the garment must be submitted.
We do not accept liability for loss or damage incurred during shipping. We use industry-standard parcel services such as DHL, DPD, etc. Please contact the respective transport service provider.
Please see our General Terms & Conditions!
Thank you very much for your order and the opportunity to get to know you and your garment!